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Writer's picturetanyareynolds23

My Spaces In Between

OMG...yes, I am starting this blog with omg. I don't know how else to describe though how happy writing my blog made me yesterday. Between giving up my office and getting THAT feedback, my love for writing had been shaken. That's what also made yesterday so special though. It felt so good to sit down and share what was in my heart. Don't get it twisted though. Those words did not come pouring out of me. I spent hours trying to get it just right, but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. Being able to celebrate the amazing people in my life made my heart happy. I often think January is a challenging month. The magic and pressure of the holidays are over. By now it feels like winter has already been 10 months long and daylight is a wive's tale we tell little kids about. Ok... that may be a little dramatic. Regardless, my point is that January screams for the spaces in between... those little moments that warm our hearts and make us smile. I thought I would spend a moment to share mine from today with you. They aren't monumental or something I may remember 30 years from now, but today they were everything.

  1. Weather days are never good in my industry. They often bring stress and challenges as if our normal days don't contain enough already. The truth is though, deep down a selfish side of me loves them. Because there is often little the guys are able to do, I sometimes get moments to truly enjoy them. My favorite guys may stop in or call to tell me about anything or everything. Today I came back from a meeting to find a pipe foreman smiling and sitting in my chair waiting to talk to me. It made me giggle then and smile now. Another foreman called in for what he calls "his sessions" where we talk about current frustrations or bullshit or just laugh together. Another stopped in while waiting for HR and told her that she was 2nd best because he had to save that space for me. Another one called check in on a few things, and well, I just love any chance I get to talk with him. Another called to talk strategy because we hit the wall compliments of weather, and we brainstormed options. Another checked in to prep for the coming snow after being off today to close on a house, and he made me laugh out loud telling me how it went well but he is now broke again. None of them were overly significant, but each made my day better by being part of it.

  2. I'm struggling with the newest member of my team. The most diplomatic, high level way to explain it is that I don't think we are on the same page... about anything. This morning we had to have a conversation because he had let me down. I've been struggling with getting him to accept that my bar is higher and those are the standards he will be held... and that he should care about that. I've unsuccessfully been trying all sorts of different approaches in hopes of finding the combination to the lock. I have to take another swing tomorrow, but in thinking through it, I realized that maybe this and last night's blog are my answers. The truth seems a little obvious, but maybe he needs to see my version of the guys because in my eyes, they are pretty amazing. Who wouldn't want to make sure they are taken care of? While this may not be a typical space in between, things have been kind of bleak so I am thrilled at the possiblity of having another approach.

  3. Being the type of person who is fulfilled by taking care of others, I have a tendency to overlook myself. Today I got a few reminders how invaluable the people are who take care of me. I smile as I write this and think about all of the amazing people who take care of me in so many different ways. In fact, if you are reading this, you are most likely one of them. I hope you know how much I truly appreciate you!

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