Loud Thoughts in a Quiet Room
Are you as shocked as I am that I am writing a blog!? I know... it's been a long time, but the title has been rolling around in my head...
Are you as shocked as I am that I am writing a blog!? I know... it's been a long time, but the title has been rolling around in my head...
Lately I have been struggling with giving myself permission to choose things that make me happy. I often act out of obligation or the...
Hey Friends! So yesterday I was signed up to do a craft show in Pine Grove. And you know what? I blew it off. It was a decision I...
Hello strangers!! That's if anyone reads this. I know its been awhile, and for that I am sorry. Well, kind of. You see, I've been busying...
You may have noticed fewer posts lately. I don't exactly know what's going on, but I'm kind of feeling uninspired.... about everything! ...
It's Sunday night, and like normal, I am wondering where has my beloved weekend gone? First, I'd like to give a shout out to my crock...
Sorry for the radio silence. The feedback I wrote about in the previous blog hit me pretty hard. Since then I've been learning a lot...
This week I took some lumps that have left me licking my wounds. Lately I have been overly sensitive and honestly, insecure. The highs...
Did you ever read something and have it really resonate with you? That was me when I found this quote setting up my planner the other...
As part of my attempt to pull myself out of my funk as well as working on my goals for 2024, I find myself at Hotel Rock in Lititz for a...
GIF banter with Jeffy My Planner Kate stickers arrived Jill's adorable pic of B and D ❤️ I was trying to turn off the volume for Insta,...
The guys giving me shout outs on the snow removal c-call. It wasn't about the acknowledgement but the fact that they thought of me....
Time with Hummel The boys... always the boys... even when they drive me nuts Wearing ripped jeans and a hoodie to work Time to write...
I am in an absolute major funk. Ok... right now it isn't quite as bad because I opened a bottle of watermelon margaritas that a friend...
Construction guys get such a bad wrap. Sure, they can talk like a sailor, as can I. And while they can have an edge, I have often been...
I end every journal entry "Stay Tuned!!! ❤️" I have a daily gratitude list in my main personal planner. 99% of the time, the boys make...
Hey All! Happy Sunday! After all the stress, the Home Show ended up being a bust. Wait... let me correct that. I at least came out...
I took a big step. I signed up for my first 2 day show at the Lebanon Expo Center. As soon as I sent my check in, I started to 2nd...
I have something that has been weighing heavy on my heart, and I am hoping that putting words to "paper" will provide me some clarity. A...
Fortunately/unfortunately I have a pretty diverse list of interests. For the last several months, I have expressed a lot of frustration...