Did you ever read something and have it really resonate with you? That was me when I found this quote setting up my planner the other week. If you have read my blogs, you know that I am consistently in awe of the guys that I work with. Often when I am struggling, I think of other people in my circle to gain inspiration or create accountability. When I am struggling with being tired, I think about the new foreman who was traveling at least an hour every day each way after having a newborn baby trying solidify himself in his new role. When I am in a situation that feels impossible and I'm bitter I'm in it, I think about the foreman who was living a job up against a deadline to get an occupancy permit, and you could just see the stress on his normally calm demeanor. When I am thinking about cutting a corner, I think about the foreman who sends out his weekly forecast at 10 pm after being up since 3 am because that was the first time that day he could get to it. My list could go on and on. While each person was going through their situation, none of them made a big deal about their hardships. Instead they were head down, and just doing what needed to be done. Probably equally as important is that they weren't doing it because someone (me) was watching. I am continuously inspired. So this is my little reminder to hang in there no matter how difficult a situation gets. You will never know who may be watching or how you could be inspiring them. I know personally, I would not be me without them <3
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