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Writer's picturetanyareynolds23

Saturday Morning Joy

I write openly that I use a life coach. In fact, I often reference her in conversation. She has made a big difference in my world. One thing that she has taught me is when I get caught up in negative feelings/emotions to switch it to gratitude. While I still struggle to find gratitude for the situation that is causing the negative feeling, I currently try to make a gratitude list about whatever comes to mind. With the challenges of the winter season, I thought it may be a great time for me to make one of these lists. This may not be my most earth shattering blog written, but hopefully it will give you just a little insight into me. Yay vulnerability....LOL.

My January 22nd Gratitude List

  1. Slow Saturday mornings

  2. Waking up in a warm house

  3. My new favorite mug and Garden Answer videos on YouTube (pic below)

  4. Cuddl Dud fleece sheets

  5. Pajamas / comfy clothes

  6. Essential Oils in the Diffuser

  7. Bones From Dusk Til Donuts Coffee - It's glazed jelly donut flavor

  8. My Christmas tree on the sun porch both first thing on a dark morning or when I walk in the door at night (pic below)

  9. My bird feeder - it makes me so happy to both see the birds and help take care of them (pic below)

  10. People who read my blog and support me in chase my dream. Thank you!

What are you grateful for this morning?

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