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Writer's picturetanyareynolds23

Saturday Mornings - My Favorite Space In Between

Saturday mornings have to be one of the greatest things in the whole world!! I work really hard to keep them commitment free and for myself. If I have my way, the day starts off waking up naturally without an alarm which often feels like a gift in itself. I may do some stuff around the house. I may not. I love having that choice. I have weekend coffee (Bones Coffee if you are curious) which is a little more expensive and meant to be enjoyed so I look forward to that first cup. During the warmer months, its iced coffee. Not weekend exlusive, but still feels like a treat. Then I either enjoy my Garden Answer YouTube videos I have been stockpiling all week, or if it's nice I grab a book and head to the patio. If it's a really special, I have a copy of Bella Grace to enjoy. From there the day is open to endless possibility. I make an effort to not judge myself for how I choose to spend it. If I don't have to pay attention to the time, even better! This time of year, spending time in my yard tends to be my favorite. Sometimes its working in it and other times it is enjoying the fruits of my efforts. Saturdays make me feel like I can breathe a little deeper. Of course this is my dream Saturday. My wish for you is that I hope you have your own version and you make time to enjoy it. I just saw it feels like 73 degrees at 10:30 in the morning so off to the yard I go. I will get back to my Garden Answer videos later. Happy Saturday!!

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