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The Guilt is Nearly Suffocating

Nearly 11 years ago, I joined a company as a naive, but hopeful individual. I was running from a company that did not value who I was,...

Watch Out 2024!

Normally I have a passive approach to New Year's. I assume it's because resolutions are known to fail by February, but I never really...

Crock Pots were Made for Days Like This

Guess what!? I survived my first holiday craft season. It was touch and go for a little bit, but I am proud to say I came out on the...

The Silver Lining

Good news... I'm feeling better. I spent the majority of the weekend either in bed or in a yoga back bend with a bolster. While I am...

This Was Not the Plan

I have a tendency to over schedule myself, and I am absolutely guilty of this post vacation. I really believed that after some time off...


Even when it is beautiful, the last sunset still makes me sad

43 - Year of the Dolphin?

Typically, people start thinking about goals around New Years. For me, it's my birthday. I begin to reflect on the year that has passed...

Don't Think, Just Write

Solid advice I needed to hear, especially as a chronic overthinker. In my quest to be perfect, how can I not over analyze EVERYTHING to...

This is My Confession

Did you visualize R. Kelly? Dave Chapelle as R. Kelly is what popped into my head. Interpret that as you wish... If it is possible to...

Having to Start Behind the Start Line

I hesitate to type this because putting it into words makes it real, but... I'm wanting to get back into writing. I've been watching a...


It's after 2 am... I've been up since 4:30. I had a 6 hour drive... but... this ❤️ (make sure your sound is on)

Sunday Night Thoughts...

One thing I would like to be known for is living my life to the fullest. Granted, each person has their own definition of what that...

My Life Coach Said...

I've been struggling with writing and posting here. I know what you are thinking... "No Kidding!?" I've been feeling so guilty about my...

8 Signs Someone Values You

They make time to see you & you never have to question their motives. They listen to what you have to say & genuinely care about your...


I've worked with my fuel guy for over 7 years now. To say that he is a unique individual just does not do him juistice. It took awhile...

Why Is It so Hard to Choose Me?

Below is my view at 5:24 on a Friday night. Trust me, there are much worse places to be! The crazy part is that it was such a struggle...


I've mentioned how I've been trying to establish a more consistent posting schedule. It's so easy to blame my work schedule or my...

Life is What You Make of It

Awhile ago I came across a quote that said something like you will find what you are looking for. When you think about it, it makes...

Wait... What!?

I had a different title on this blog, but when I thought about who I was writing about, I realized there was no other options. After...

Blog: Blog2
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