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The Magic of the Season

Normally I'm not a fan of rushing Christmas. I believe October and November deserve their own space. That being said, I'm at a craft...

Good-bye 41 / Hello 42

Saying good-bye Tanya style. Taking care of my boys. Then a little Virginia, a little beach and more than a little tipsy

I'm baaaaaccccckkkkkk

Yes, I am still among the land of the living though I am not always convinced that is a good thing. I have 2 craft shows coming up in...

Missing Person

I don't know when it happened exactly, but at some point I made the decision to sacrifice who I am for who I thought "everyone" thought I...

Some Tuesday Light & Love

Good morning all of you beautiful, supportive people. The level of bumpiness in my world has escalated to new heights mainly out of...

Yep... I'm still here!

Good morning you beautiful, supportive people! Thank you for being you! I know the blog has been a little quiet lately. I've been...

I Just Can't Commit

I've had this blog rolling around in my head for a few days... which is my typical process. Almost as if I have to vet the idea to make...

You Didn't Do It Right

We had a pipe foreman leave the company this week by his own choice. As part of the process, I inventory the small tools to make sure...

Taking Another Swing

Those of you who have been with me awhile know that I took a huge step last year and rented an office space to write. I wanted to be so...

In My Defense, I was Left Unsupervised

So a few weeks ago I decided to go to an event to try to sell some of the blankets I have made. I tried to go in with no expectations,...

Do I Have It In Me?

I've been taking steps with my blog, but I think we can all agree that I have a tendency to play things pretty safe. I seek your...

Sunday Morning Joy

Mornings are my most productive time so on Sundays I try to force myself to do my cooking for the week. Seeing the temperatures for...

Happy Friday My People!!

I've been learning so many lessons lately about attracting my tribe. Being a chronic people pleaser, it was all about the...

This Made My Heart so Happy!

So many of us exist in high stress worlds. I don't know about you, but nothing makes me happier than seeing someone having fun and...

Here goes nothing!

Life has been crazy lately! You may have noticed some silence, you may have not. I'm sure your life has been crazy busy as well. So...

Courage and Vulnerability

I like to pretend that I can dabble in the bad ass pool, but the truth is, I stand on the edge donned in a life jacket, goggles,...

Yay!! It's May!!

I love, love, love May! Just in case I was unclear, it's my favorite The weather is as close to perfect as it gets, and it...

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